Finesse And Function In Water Softening

The water softener made for functionality. Thanks to its simple, but robust design, the SoftSure makes your water lime-free without disruptive additives. Hassle-free, proven quality.

3 verschillende groottes waterontharders met merk Softsure op een rij van groot naar klein.

Welcome To SoftSure

Overwhelmed By All Water Softener Options?

A water softener should remove limescale from your water. That’s it! All you need to know is that a salt-based water softener is the only effective solution.

Knowing this, it’s actually pretty simple. EVERY water softener consists of the following parts:

Control Valve

The head with the display. This is volume and time controlled. The softener flushes after 10 days or after X liters of water.

Resin Tank

This contains all the resin granules that retain calcium and magnesium. This will last 15 – 25 years.

Brine Tank

The reservoir to add the salt tablets or crystals. You do this about every 3 months.

SoftSure DUO small and medium water softeners with contact information in the corner

What We Offer

What The SoftSure Does

Removes Limescale

The current limescale in your appliances gradually disappear too!

Better For You

Soap sticks less to your skin because of the soft water!

Extended Lifespan

Your washing machine and other household appliances will last longer!

Save Energy

Limescale deposits reduce the efficiency of your appliances!

Manuals and datasheets

View our documentation about the SoftSure.
We value Transparancy and want to enable you to compare systems across the market.
No quotation needed.


Manual Compact-Serie
Datasheet Compact-S
Datasheet Compact-M
Datasheet Compact-L


Manual Duo-Serie
Datasheet Duo-S
Datasheet Duo-M

Contact us

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Or a general question?

Contact us via the form. We will contact you by telephone or e-mail. (1 – 2 business days)


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  • Who Do I contact For Questions?

    Your first point of contact is the company that sold or installed your SoftSure softener. You can also send us an e-mail with your question

  • What is included in the 2 year warranty?

    The warranty for the installation itself is the responsibility of your supplier. Spare parts or other defects are covered by the 2-year warranty. When this warranty has passed, it is still possible to obtain replacement parts. Contact your dealer or

  • How do I maintain my water softener?

    Use a resin cleaner every 3 months to prevent buildup in your water softener. Clean the brine tank every year and check for leaks. Regularly test the hardness of your water.

    Remember to stock up on salt in time.

  • What additional options do other providers offer?

    The biggest difference between our water softeners and others is the extra features they offer. These features typically include a chlorine module (replace every 1-2 years). A mobile app with an alert when salt needs to be added. Water softeners without electricity. These options often offer small benefits for a large price increase.

  • Will my water taste salty?

    No, salt (sodium chloride) is used to rinse the resin core, which regenerates the resin particles. This is immediately evacuated after regeneration. When water is softened, the sodium content increases, but the chloride content remains the same. Since the combination of sodium and chloride is necessary for the salty taste, your water may not taste saltier. This can only be caused by a defect.

  • How much water does the SoftSure use?

    A water softener uses approximately 65 liters of water per regeneration, depending on the size of your model. This increases to around 85L on the larger domestic models. (Based on regeneration every 10 days, ~1-2% of your total water consumption)

  • Which salt should I use for my water softener?

    Tablets and crystals are both suitable. The bags indicate that it is specifically suitable for water softeners / drinking water installations with the quality standards DIN EN 973 Typ A and DIN-19604.

  • What is the hardness of my water?

    Find the hardness on your water supplier’s website by entering your zip code. For more accurate measurements, we recommend ordering a titration solution measurement kit (in ºdH or ºfH).

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